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Ametrine (Quartz) Gemstones

  • Hardness

  • Occurrence

    Bolivia, Brazil. Several suppliers have indicated that the ametrine mines have run out. Quality material is now very difficult to obtain.
  • Appearance

    Quartz crystals that are part amethyst, and part citrine are called ametrine. Ametrine is found naturally, and is not the result of heat treatment or any other enhancement. Bi-colored quartz is similar, but is a combination of citrine and smoky quartz, or amethyst and colorless quartz.
  • Enhancements

    Ametrine is not enhanced.
    More information on gemstone enhancements.
  • Gemstone Family

    Ametrine is a member of the Quartz gemstone family.
  • Ametrine is a macrocrystalline variety of the mineral quartz (SiO2). Quartz is the most abundant single mineral on earth. It makes up about 12% of the earth's crust, occurring in a wide variety of igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks.
  • Ametrine

    Ametrine, also known as trystine or by its trade name as bolivianite, is a naturally occurring variety of quartz. It is a mixture of amethyst and citrine with zones of purple and yellow or orange. Almost all commercially available ametrine is mined in Bolivia, although there are deposits being exploited in Brazil and India.

    The colour of the zones visible within ametrine are due to differing oxidation states of iron within the crystal. The different oxidation states occur due to there being a temperature gradient across the crystal during its formation.

    Artificial ametrine can be created by differential heat treatment of amethyst.

    Legend has it that ametrine was first introduced to Europe by a conquistador's gifts to the Spanish Queen, after he received a mine in Bolivia as a dowry when he married a princess from the native Ayoreos tribe.

    Most ametrine in the low price segment can be assumed to stem from synthetic material. Since 1994 a Russian laboratory has perfected the industrial production of bicolored quartz crystals that are later irradiated to bring out the typical ametrine colors. Green-yellow or golden-blue ametrine does not exist naturally.

Mystical Properties: 

Ametrine is said to have all the metaphysical properties of both amethyst and citrine combined, as well its own unique properties. Ametrine energies are said to stimulate the intellect and rid the aura of negative energy. It helps you recognize the divinity within all, thus eliminating prejudice. It helps release old programs in the mind and attunes you to higher states of consciousness in meditation. For those engaged in what you believe to be mundane activities, ametrine teaches you to balance your physical activities with your spiritual hunger. Workaholics learn to pause and enjoy the fruits that your labors provide. Procrastinators discover the empowering joy of fully completing a task and the rewards one reaps when a goal is finally achieved. Those that walk among the clouds suddenly find purpose in touching the Earth. If you walk with fear, ametrine will reveal your hidden warrior to you. If you move with detailed precision, executing well thought out plans, your gem will show you the power of serendipity and taking a chance. When eyes are blind to the plight of others, this stone will help bring the connection and responsibility we share with every resident of our planet. Ametrine teaches you these simple, unrelenting connections. There is no life without death. You cannot know joy if you have not known sadness. You are not safe as long as another is in danger. The duality of the ametrine.

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